Sunday, 23 June 2013

2011-12 Poverty and Household Consumer Expenditure Indicators Released

On 20 June The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in its 68th round survey has released the poverty and key indicators of household consumer expenditure in India, generated from the data collected during July 2011–June 2012 .The National Sample Survey Office’s (NSSO) 68th round of survey is based on samples consisting of 7,496 villages in rural India and 5,263 urban blocks except some remote areas.
Highlights Of  The Poverty and Household Consumer Expenditure Indicators Data Report :-
*  5 per cent population on the bottom rung had an average monthly per capita expenditure (MCPE) of Rs 521.44 in rural areas and Rs 700.50 in urban areas.
* Poorest of poor in the country survive on barely Rs 17 per day in villages and Rs 23 a day in cities.
* On the other end of the spectrum, top five per cent of the population had an MPCE of Rs 4,481 in rural areas and Rs 10,282 in urban areas.
* On an average on the all-India basis, MPCE was around Rs 1,430 for rural India and about Rs 2,630 for urban India.
* For the average rural Indian, food accounted for 52.9 per cent of the value of consumption during 2011-12.Among non-food item categories, fuel and light for household purposes (excluding transportation) accounted for 8 per cent, clothing and footwear 7 per cent, medical expenses 6.7 per cent, education 3.5 per cent, conveyance 4.2 per cent, other consumer services (excluding conveyance) 4 per cent, and consumer durables 4.5 per cent.
* For the average urban Indian, 42.6 per cent of the value of household consumption was accounted for food, including 9 per cent by beverages, refreshments and processed food, 7 per cent by milk and milk products, and 6.7 per cent by cereals and cereal substitutes.Education accounted for 6.9 per cent, fuel and light 6.7 per cent, conveyance 6.5 per cent, and clothing and footwear 6.4 per cent.

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